About Kim

Known as “The Brand, Style & Confidence Coach for the WHOLE YOU”, Kim Peterson is a personal brand consultant and image & lifestyle coach, who takes a mind, body, and soul approach to working with hungry high achievers, leaders, and emerging leaders. These difference makers want to live on purpose and lead with their unique strengths with more self-confidence, clarity, inner peace, and happiness so they can have a bigger influence and impact on those they serve -both in business and in life. 

After guiding individuals, leaders, and teams for over 30 years in the image and personal development industries, Kim truly knows what drives swift and confident breakthroughs for personal effectiveness and success. Her clients have realized tremendous gains both personally and professionally in the following areas:

  • EQ

Interesting differentiator? 

…A gracious truth teller and empath, Kim absolutely knows how to champion clients through this journey of transformation as she had to learn to champion herself, first. Growing up in obscurity she never felt comfortable or confident in her own skin and when she started her consultancy back in 2000, she was homeless. Investing in herself, Kim went to work on her inner game and took no short cuts. Twenty years later she still humbly lives out her purpose and calling and considers it one of her greatest honors and joys to help others do the same!  If Kim can do it, so can you!

Kim is also a speaker and corporate trainer. Giving keynotes and facilitating workshops at national and regional conferences, she has championed leaders from Microsoft, T Mobile, Amazon, Boeing and beyond.  

Named a 425 Magazine “Woman to Watch”, outside of her passion for coaching and styling, Kim loves exploring life with her husband and serving the community with her pet therapy dog (and assistant on Team Uniquely Savvy), The Dr. of Love & Kindness. She loves bringing people together to celebrate others -both inside and outside of work, enjoys her hobby as a storytelling shutterbug, and gets regular inspiration through her penchant for “staying curious” about people, places, and things!

 Through Swift & Confident Breakthrough Coaching, You Will:

  • Increase your self-confidence: by integrating your whole self, living with purpose, leading with your strengths and speaking with impact
  • Establish your authentic personal brand: so you can attract more of the right talent, clients, and opportunities while leading with more influence
  • Polish your leadership image and presence: so you get seen and heard for all the right reasons
  • Experience more inner peace & happiness: as you release overwhelm, angst, burnout, and anger
  • Feel more motivated and directed: as you get more clarity and align your values, vision, and goals


What Clients Are Saying...

"Since the first time I heard Kim speak, I knew I wanted to work with her. She has an approachability and authenticity that drew me in. When I saw that she had mini-sessions, I said YES as fast as I could, and our session together exceeded my expectations. During our two hours together, Kim had an uncanny sense of what I needed and through targeted questioning, active listening, and thoughtful consideration of my answers was able to help me unjumble some jumbled-up thoughts related to my business. I came away with a clear path, knowing that I was an anchor for my clients. Kim focused her attention solely on my needs during our time together. I felt seen and heard. Kim gets a 5+ star review. I will definitely do work with her in the future." 

- Maureen Kures, End of Life Planning Consultant/Speaker /Radiant Mourning

"I've been thoroughly impressed with Kim Peterson and Uniquely Savvy! Kim has made a significance difference in my appearance and my self-confidence. I've gone from not focusing that much on what I wear and how it fits, to being proud of the clothes I'm wearing. I've received several comments on how my clothes look and fit. This has improved my professional and personal life!

-James Wigfall, CEO/Sound Generations

“My personal and professional coaching experience with Kim Peterson of Uniquely Savvy has been the most transformational work of my life. I have spent more hours, years and dollars on counselors, mentors and coaches than I care to calculate! But the work I did with Kim delivered results after my first session.  Kim knew how to tap right into my limiting beliefs, expose them, and then help me discover my true identity. The time I’ve spent with Kim cannot be measured in time or dollars, but in the results of a life that is transformedwhere I have found purpose, wholeness, integration and freedom. I have never been more free to be “the me” I was created to be. Coaching with Kim Peterson has also empowered me to step into new opportunities with courage and confidence. I recommend her to anyone ready to take that next step into a transformed life.”

 -Anne Kuchera Special Assistant, Office of the President /Northwest University

  Before I started working with Kim, I struggled with the lack of fulfillment in my career. I was not living out of the reality of who I am. I accepted roles that were initially attractive to me but those challenges were quickly mastered. My work with Kim really gave me clarity about myself on so many levels and was the first concrete step in moving toward the goal of being a leader. Working with Kim moved me out of my heart and into my actions. I need challenges to thrive. -I am now happily employed and I am pursuing an MBA. Working with Kim truly has been transformational. Thank you, Kim! 

-Terri Maria Rogers, Executive Assistant to the President /eFinancial

 “What I appreciate about Kim Peterson is her sharp eye for fit, color, and style which enabled me to elevate my attire and confidently project my personal brand.  I also value Kim’s communication style…she’s direct, clear, and empathetic whether explaining why a particular shirt doesn’t suit me or educating me about different collar styles and cuts of pants.  And I can’t talk about Kim without highlighting how much I admire her as a person, especially Kim’s commitment to personal growth and being of service to others.”

-Paul Boyer, General Counsel /Ideoclick Inc.

“I'm so grateful for the lift you have brought to my life. You are a game-changer and confidence-builder! I felt so good seeing (outfit) combinations and options coming together. Can't thank you enough for your talent, wisdom, and care. I appreciate and love working with you!"

-Erinn Ford, President & CEO/KMS Financial Services, Inc.


Kim, you are like the Lebron James of coachesI’m saying this because I work with, and have worked with, many coaches.  Do you know what I love about you? You show up with courage and that’s wonderful -and it’s needed especially for someone like me. I don’t have a lot of patience because I want the real deal. You are present with your clients, you’re not somewhere else, and your attitude is, ‘I’ll always be here for you". That’s amazing! A lot of coaches say they can, but they actually have a lot of (personal) work to do. Before I worked with you, I was feeling blocked and unclear, and it got in the way of my life satisfaction. We’ve worked together on my goals, vision, and values as well as forgiveness work and designing a life to develop and support my best self. Now I feel clear and satisfied, and ready to pull up my sleeves and get to work on what I truly value in my life and what I want to share with the world.  Thank you, Kim.”

– Monica Duggal, Managing Director, OMS, Inc. 

"I’ve worked with Coach Kim for years. She has truly helped me to become and be my best self, not a mini-Kim, but the best Deanna. I value her wisdom and insight and I appreciate Kim’s attention to detail, her ability to help me find my true self, my true calling, my true joy in rambling, inarticulate responses to wonderfully pointed questions. I’ve never worked with a consultant before, never “invested” in myself. I hope I don’t sound condescending when I say, “Kim you’re truly the champion you say you are!”"

-Deanna Nowadnick, Author and Motivational Speaker