Click Here: TIP #3 of 10: Champion the Truth
Champion the TRUTH:
My intuition had me skippin’ ahead of what I had originally planned for this TIP. (A key takeaway here? EMBRACE the PIVOT.)
Last week I reposted a meme that a good friend shared with me. Shared it on LinkedIn and it seems to be resonating with many.
It said, “Extreme independence is a trauma response”. I shared what the original author wrote, and then a part of my personal journey which absolutely used to align with a lot of what she wrote. Can you relate? The author, Jamila White, in part, wrote,
“Extreme-independence is a preemptive strike against heartbreak. So, you don’t trust anyone. And you don’t trust yourself, either, to choose people. To trust is to hope, to trust is to be vulnerable. “Never again,” you vow. But no matter how you dress it up and display it proudly to make it seem like this level of independence is what you always wanted to be, in truth it’s your wounded, scarred, broken heart behind a protective brick wall.
Impenetrable. Nothing gets in. No hurt gets in.
But no love gets in either.
Fortresses and armor are for those in battle, or who believe the battle is coming. It’s a trauma response. The good news is trauma that is acknowledged is trauma that can be healed.” Worth reading the post in its entirety as it talks about the truth that you are worthy - a topic of which I often write or speak, as well.
Why do I often write or speak on worthiness?
…Because my WHY for all that I do in my career and otherwise it to champion those who want to be liberated and free -mind, body, soul – including style, of course!
It’s also the reason for TIP #3: Champion the TRUTH of everything... to include YOU. ARE. WORTHY. “Champion” means to “fight for” or to “advocate for”.
If you want to move from fear to freedom and create a life you love, you must CHAMPION TRUTH so you can unpack the self-limiting beliefs or the lies others have put on you…and be… liberated to be who you were uniquely created to be and live with more self-acceptance, meaning, and joy. THIS is the very step I (fearfully) committed to beginning in my early 30s and it changed my life personally -and as a result, professionally.
This is STILL a mantra I live by and lean into EVERY DAY.
Because LIFE can be hard at times and for the woman (or man) who truly wants to BREAK FREE and experience a life of purpose, meaning, peace, and more joy – life demands that we live in truth.
We must CHAMPION the TRUTH and CHALLENGE the SELF-LIMITING BELIEFS and/or lies that others have put on us because the truth sets us free.
Today I am (mostly) free!
And, it is WHY I’m absolutely committed to being your champion and guide – if you’re ready. If I can do it, so can you!
If this is you, you are not alone.
Find the other like-minded and fierce women who are going to encourage you and cheer you on.
The journey is not for the faint of heart, but you are worthy of the fight….AND… you CAN move from a place of pain, unworthiness, self-protection, and emotional isolation to a place of peace, belonging worthiness, community, acceptance, healing, and more. You’re worthy of belonging to a safe and dedicated community of people who will support you. Find your people, wherever they may be. If this is you, are you ready to move from fear to new levels of freedom?
See you tomorrow for TIP #3!
Team Uniquely Savvy XO

The Brand, Style & Confidence Coach for “The WHOLE You” -Mind, Body & Soul
-Kim & The Doctor of Love & Kindness
www.uniquelysavvy.com kim@uniquelysavvy.com 425.503.9885