…And THIS is why you should expect setbacks and develop a healthy mindset that works for you, not against you.
What do you do when within 18 hours you:
✔️Get a “fatal error” tech message on the weekend and support is not available
✔️Walk out to a big bubbly pool of water leaking from your dishwater
✔️Partially crack & break off your front tooth …and so much more
all while putting the final touches on your “Move from fear to Freedom & Create a Life You Love: a Journey to Your Authentic Best Self" coaching program …starting in a few days?

You wake up on Monday morning realizing…
✔️You never said, “Why me?”
✔️You never felt defeated
✔️You took great self-care and executed your daily healthy habits in spite of it all
✔️You reached inside your Success Toolbox for gratitude, agility & resilience reserves
✔️Driven and fueled by your WHY and the “YES”, courage, grit, and expectancy of the program participants, you pivoted with each setback and took the next indicated step.
…Mindset mastery is one of the foundational cornerstones to developing for moving from fear to freedom because the quality of your thought life dictates the quality of your life, the decisions you make, and your ability to create …inner peace and a life you love in spite of the chaos, change, or confusion all around you.
Cheers to expecting setbacks, developing a healthy mindset that works for you...and cheers to the best of you in ‘22!
P.S. This cohort of “Move from Fear to Freedom & Create a Life You Love" is FULL.
Please inquire about getting on the waitlist for the next availability, or inquire about how we can privately work together to support the success of your dreams and goals!
XO, Team Uniquely Savvy

The Brand, Style & Confidence Coach for “The WHOLE You” -Mind, Body & Soul
-Kim & The Doctor of Love & Kindness
www.uniquelysavvy.com kim@uniquelysavvy.com 425.503.9885