We're Back...
There's no better place to be than the stunning Pacific Northwest in the summer and we are here for it! My family and I drove from the Phoenix, AZ area to Seattle over Memorial Day weekend.
Why not fly?
Because our fur baby, The Doctor of Love and Kindness, is 115 pounds and he's just too big to fly commercially -for the most part.
And as in life, we all appreciate the adventures and the journey of a road trip. We generally travel really well together. This time was no different.
What about you? What has been a favorite road trip?
Email me and tell me where you've been lately, or where you're headed -and of course, please feel free to include a pic of your favorite outfit. I love it when you send photos so I can continue to celebrate how fabulous you look!
To all of you who father, mentor, tutor...or love others well, Happy Father's Day. While these qualities never go out of style, if you want some new duds to accompany you, don't hesitate to reach out for a summer wardrobe refresher!
Happy Fashion and Freedom Friday, Kim
What's catching your eye? I'm loving the bold angular frames.
Have fun and send me a pic with the pair you just had to have!
Btw, thank you, sweet client, for the thoughtful gift card to Salt & Straw Gourmet Ice Cream...
A Father's Day Reflection from The Coach's Corner: Just in the Nick of Time

I was the poster child for how the father wound showed up in a hurt little girl, then a young lady, then a businesswoman.
I was absolutely textbook.
The compounded pain from abandonment and rejection was often on my mind as they drove my fear, insecurities, and choices.
In my career, the silent, yet perpetual burden I carried absolutely impacted my self-confidence, thus how I showed up. Everything about work was …harder.
They were push-pull if you know what I mean.
Wanting- but never really trusting anyone- I would pull people in because I wanted connection, community, and intimacy, but pushed them away because I was too afraid of getting hurt again.
Thinking of all of this as I was reviewing the workbook for my Fear to Freedom to Forgive: a Pathway to Inner Peace, Healing, and Happiness coaching program.
Because I’m drinking coffee from my late dad’s (mustache protector) coffee mug.
How ironic. How beautiful.
Today, I feel like I’m a woman representing “what’s possible” when one decides to move from fear into new levels of freedom.
I had a lot to untangle and many painful things to sort through, but it was worth it.
Just before my dad unexpectedly died in 2011 we had finally achieved new levels of acceptance of one another.
It that was birthed out of (previously) hard truths and a lot of work on my part -and newfound compassion and love.
We still weren’t super close, but this little girl knew she was loved and released him from all that he “didn’t do.”
And I got to tell my dad that I loved him.
This all just happened one week before he was…gone...from heart failure.
Grateful I was willing to endure and went the distance to do the work only I could do -while he was still here. Grateful for no regrets. Grateful for the healing work of forgiveness. Grateful for the joy of discovering the nuance between Dad’s mug and client prep on forgiveness the other morning.
I’ve lived through the pain, journeyed through the muck and the mire and I’m experiencing the freedom -all from lived experience.
Happy Father’s Day, Dad. Thanks for the virtual coffee. I love you!
A Question for Your Deeper Dive:
Father's Day can be complex for individuals for a variety of reasons. Some of you may have lost your dad, and others of you may have a difficult relationship with your dad.
I acknowledge this. It doesn't feel good, and sometimes it flat-out sucks.
The pitfall is allowing ourselves to think that we aren't loved or we have a diminished sense of self-worth because of the absence of what we desire to receive. As in my story, this can manifest in many ways.
Because some of you might feel this way, may I encourage you to guard your thoughts and your self-talk? Do not buy into those lies! Just because someone isn't there physically or doesn't say, "I love you", doesn't mean that you are not lovable and loved.
May you live in the knowledge that, you are loved -because you are.
Another tendency may be to duck and hide on Father's Day.
Instead of that, one way to stay present and integrated is to consider this: Who can you reach out to with gratitude for helping to shape who you wonderfully are today?
P.S. If you're gut has been nagging you to resolve the strained relationship with your dad so you can have more peace in your life, schedule a complimentary "Forgive to be Free" Clarity Call. I never thought I could feel so liberated, light, and thus happy. I want that for you, too, and it IS possible.
With love, Team Uniquely Savvy
The Brand, Style & Confidence Coach for “The WHOLE You” -Mind, Body & Soul and The Doctor of Love & Kindness

Kim Peterson www.uniquelysavvy.com kim@uniquelysavvy.com 425.503.9885