People aren’t always going to bet on you. Do it anyway. Bet on yourself, then dress like you are a WINNER!
Wow… What a lesson we learned from the Kentucky Derby, right?

(Watch the video)
On Rich Strike:
“The 80-to-1 upset by Rich Strike in Saturday’s Kentucky Derby is undoubtedly one of the biggest shocks horse racing has seen in a long time…He came into the Derby with one win in seven races, poor speed figures relative to the competition, and not even a single standout performance in a stakes races that would make someone think he had the quality to win the Derby.” -Dan Wollen, USA TODAY
I bet on my healing and that it would ultimately result in discovering and living out my purpose. I am WINNING! ...The story of Rich Strike triggered a personal reflection from Mother's Day weekend. I'll share it below because your lived experiences shape the brand called you and the unique ways you can impact people and the world around you. May you embrace them. Celebrating all women who have given birth to the potential in their own lives -and the lives of others. XO
Hope & Healing the Mother Wound: A Mother’s Day Reflection

Mother’s Day.
We each have a story. For some, it’s a day of celebration. For others, it’s a day that can be excruciating -for a variety of reasons.
For me, both Mother’s and Father’s Day used to bring a lot of sadness and pain.
But, today a healing balm has ushered in a new and peaceful chapter.
It’s what I desire for you, too.
From my Truth Tuesday LinkedIn post:
Mother’s Day used to be a painful day - for many reasons.
Thank you, God, for healing my layers of wounds, for beauty from ashes, and for powerful purpose that has come from all that pain.
While there were buckets of tears shed for the passing of a coaching client turned friend over the weekend, I also had a lovely day re-energizing. Giving and receiving love from my creator, mama, fur baby, and myself (my husband was out of town) was such a gift.
…Working through the sometimes painful relationship I used to have with my adoptive mama, pictured above, and staying committed to #truth in pursuit of emotional #freedom has led to her being one of my greatest heroes.
Now there’s something to celebrate!
Do you struggle with the Mother Wound?
I did. Times three, actually.
You see, I have three moms -and I carried a wound with each one.
All I wanted was to feel that I was loved and that I belonged.
I didn’t want to be so sad anymore. I desperately wanted peace, and,
“What does happiness feel like, anyway?”
…Over the years I didn’t give up on how I wanted to feel in this world but I knew it started with healing the wounds from my family of origin.
So a made a commitment to do my work.
I bet on myself.
Today, I know I am loved. I know I belong, and I am free to love and be loved.
Peace travels with me more than angst and I’m not just happy. JOY is my companion and helps to see me through difficult seasons in life.
May the sweetness of that be true for you, too.
No matter the day, holiday, or circumstance, bet on your ability to move from fear into new levels of freedom and a life you love.
If I can do it so can you!
The Brand, Style & Confidence Coach for “The WHOLE You” -Mind, Body & Soul and The Doctor of Love & Kindness XO
 Kim Peterson 425.503.9885