Hello! Spring is the season of renewal and rebirth. May everything good, grounding, and life-giving be yours.
This newsletter is chock-full of things to know - and consider. Let’s get right to it.
...First of all, a huge shout out to editor, Shelby Rowe Moyer, and the entire 425 Magazine team. I'm deeply honored to have my work published in two of their magazines this month (more on that later).
Enjoy, xo
 Do you know about this?
Not So Pretty – a must-watch documentary is for everyone. WHY? Because it impacts -everyone. My husband and I watched this over the weekend. It’s about toxic and sometimes deadly beauty products for men, women, and children. Having had so many of my own, "Oh my gosh, are you serious?" moments, I threw out some specific beauty products this morning. Do you have any? Get your education here, share the info with your friends, and then get the apps to help you determine if your products are safe.
Are you reconsidering your style statement this spring? Shelby Rowe Moyer interviewed me back in February for this piece and it feels like so much life has happened since then. Catch the article here and then read on.
1. Create your new fashion normal. Research reveals that dressing your truth and authentic style builds up your resilience. Even though you may be still working from home, there is tremendous power and value in getting dressed and showin’ up – even if it’s just for yourself. How can you choose to dress in a way that’s more authentic to your lifestyle and who you are today? Elevated basics have been on tap for me. Beyond what’s in the article think: denim or casual pants in the season’s latest silhouettes, the updated white button-down shirt, or shirt coats. Add mules, slides, strappy kicks - or stick to retro looks - to pull it all together.
2. Spring is a season of rebirth. Give yourself permission to explore trends or colors that are piquing your interest. Get curious and try something new. Perhaps it's simply adding accessories in braided or quilted accents? Perhaps it’s the updated take on blazers and novelty jackets. Ladies and gents, why not stock your closets with versatile blazers and dress ‘em up or down. That said, with all that's going on in the world around us you might be apt to grab a super cozy, feel-good sweater ...What’s speakin’ to your style sensibilities?
3. Embrace the vibrant and bold hues of the season, they will help elevate your mood and outlook. Also, check out Veri Peri. It “was custom-made by Pantone's color experts to represent their optimistic expectations for our brave new future.” Whatever you dabble in, may you dress in your authentic style and bravely walk toward your new future.

From Negative Self-Talk, Wasted Time & Overwhelm to Confidence, Celebration & a Successful Attitude
- “My 3 greatest wardrobe frustrations prior to our sessions were feeling inadequately dressed at my new job like I really needed to up my game, but I didn't know how; then determining my personal style as I felt like I was all over the place in my choices which meant that the few pieces I had, didn't work together. It took me at least 40 minutes of daily frustration, trying on different options until I would finally settle on the lesser of evils - see issue #1 and follow the vicious cycle!
- The daily impact of the above cycle was a constant mental gnawing of negative self-talk about how could I sell my clients that I represented a top-notch remodeling firm and help them make good home style and function choices if I couldn't even dress myself successfully? The whole trying-to-figure-out-what-to-wear torched a lot of my time in the morning and caused me to be rushed and late for work. While attempting to create an outfit, I would come up with a mental list of the clothing items I SHOULD purchase, but wasn't getting off the dime to add purchases because of not really knowing what I needed. I called it my style identity crisis. In the past, when I would finally make a purchase, often it turned out to be money wasted because I didn't like it and couldn't make it work with the rest of the hodge-podge pieces I had. Plus, it was just overwhelming to not only decide what I thought I needed but then find it in my plus size. UGH!
My "enough-is-enough" moment came in December, about 6 weeks into my new job. I knew I had to change SOMEthing in order to not only get to work on time, but to regain my confidence after taking time out to be an at-home mom and then 17 years of working solo in my own business I was trying to sell myself to my new employer - not to mention MYSELF - and my anxiety level was skyrocketing!
- I was a little anxious about pulling the trigger and investing in myself - this was certainly the largest one-time personal investment that I've ever made, but what a worthwhile BOOST! Kim is ALWAYS so uplifting in her communication - I'll never get tired of hearing a "Beautiful YOU" response to sending my photos to her. And, the 3-plus hour zoom meeting we started with was incredible. She is so genuine, that I found myself easily sharing personal emotional ruminations as she gently pulled my personality out and helped me identify my style. I guess I never realized how critical self-worth and presenting myself through what I wear go hand-in-hand. I guess I'd always thought that clothes were more about vanity rather than identity - WOW how wrong I was! Between the numerous in-DEPTH intake questionnaire and then our ensuing intro Zoom, Kim's AMAZING culling of clothing options for me to order online (my sizing required online purchases) to try at our culminating Style & Fit appointment was phenomenal! I even purchased - and loved - items that I would have never considered trying before. And she was available to answer questions and offer feedback on style questions I came up with throughout our month or so of working together.
- Another bonus of committing to working with Kim is that it required me to set time aside to actually focus on, and accomplish (!) the task of learning how to "Celebrate my Strengths" (AGAIN, always the positives), even in my size 18, over-amply bosomed body. Kim never flinched. She dove into the project of "me" with aplomb and confidence - of COURSE!
I now have the confidence to make clothing selections that celebrate me AND I feel SO confident at work like I'm projecting a successful attitude and setting a very industry-appropriate professional look. Plus, I'm saving myself over 2 hours weekly on KNOWING, not guessing, what to wear to present myself successfully. And not wasting money on clothes that don't work. Do the math on all THAT!
Thanks, Kim, for being you and sharing your gifts with me!” – Style & Brand Client
Move from Fear to Freedom & Create a Life You Love: a Journey to Your Authentic Best Self
Lastly. I’m incredibly honored. Unbeknownst to me, the opportunity for women to work through the obstacles that are holding them back so they can get resolve, resources, and clarity about "what's next" as they redefine or reclaim their lives in a safe and confidential community was published again this month as a feature in 425 Magazine Business.
Another heartfelt thank you to Shelby, for “seeing” humanity’s needs enough to want women to know that they are not alone and that resources are available as (we) try to define a confident new normal for ourselves - one that is peaceful, purposeful, and even joy-filled. And, thank you Leubgythe, for sending me these article photos while I was in Arizona...who knew?!
P.S. It’s not about being published. It's about the results women (and men) experience as I'm brave enough to step more boldly and holistically into my purpose and my WHY.
It’s about standing in my own courage and conviction to bring forth inside out messages and opportunities to equip “the WHOLE YOU” during times of change. And, without any initiation from me, it’s about experiencing a publishing company that recognized the importance of those messages for anyone looking for a solid pathway forward.
...Mostly, it's about outcomes like this, below. So thrilled about this participant’s freedom journey!

“Kim is beautiful, vibrant, well-read and fearless, and knew how to gently, yet firmly, coax the participants to open up about their fears – those ideas, events, and patterns in our lives that hold us back from living a full life with purpose and joy. Once we became aware of those patterns she helped us with skill-building, tools, and resources to create mindset shifts that moved us forward with more clarity, courage, and confidence. When I began with this group, I was deeply mired in grief and sadness due to the sudden death of my Father; this group provided the loving support, spiritual uplifting, and sometimes, a kick in the [virtual] pants when I needed it. Now I feel empowered and engaged. Update: Now, one month, later I have some really great news. Yesterday I was offered, and accepted, a position with Providence St Joseph. I worked for Providence 10 years ago, but left due to my spouse's job relocation; I have truly been waiting 10 years for this moment to rejoin that organization but the timing and opportunities never fell into place until now! As I was talking to Kim about this new venture, I told her that I believe it is by the grace of God and the support I received during our "Move from Fear to Freedom..." program that I was able to dial into my strengths and focus on finding a position that really aligns with my values - and this is it.” -Move from Fear to Freedom Participant
425 Magazine’s motto is to “bring a breath of fresh air" to our community. We need that. Thank you to Shelby and the whole team at 425!
...Now more than ever, we need to pull out every tool in our success toolboxes to build up our mind, body, and soul endurance, resilience, and foundation so we can optimize our best selves and how we navigate this complex season in life.
Where are you now? And, where do you want to be? If you want to rock your confidence this spring clarify your values, discover and lead with your strengths, and dress your truth and authentic style!
If you are committed to making that style, brand, or life change that's been a "constant mental gnawing of negative self-talk" and need support, reach out.
You are not alone.
Let me know if I can be of support to you or someone you know - now or in the future.
We're Cheering You On, Team Uniquely Savvy Kim and The Doctor of Love & Kindness XO
 The Brand, Style & Confidence Coach for “The WHOLE You” -Mind, Body & Soul
www.uniquelysavvy.com kim@uniquelysavvy.com 425.503.9885