TIP #4 – Create Goals that Align with Your Core Values
Good mornin' and good day!
...Before we get to TIP #4, WANT to RECEIVE TIPS 5-10 (wardrobe, imposter syndrome, and more)? If you want to receive the next (5) Tips for creating a life you love so you can be your best you in ’22, take this action:
EMAIL me: “YES! Be the Best You in ‘22” in the subject line.
I don’t want to bog down your email…
When it comes to moving from fear into new levels of freedom and creating a life you love, TIP #4 is all about creating VALUES-based S.M.A.R.T. GOALS that…align…with your core values, which I talked about in TIP #2.
Remember, Roy Disney said,
“When your values are clear your decisions are easy”.
Because your values are principles that guide and direct your decisions – what you will say YES, NO, and MAYBE, too.
When you don’t tie your goals back to your values when the going gets tough, you are more likely to give up and throw in the towel because you don’t have the fight in you.
Setbacks can easily derail you.
When you do tie your goals back to your values, you’re more willing to find a way to stay in the fight – and achieve that which you really want. That which brings meaning, purpose, and joy into your life.
Neil farmer wrote, “…The more that we base our goals on our values and principles the more we enter a cycle of energy, success, and satisfaction.”
And, to THAT I say, YES!!! What about you?
…This has been my personal experience, and that of my coaching clients who have worked to create lives they love – lives of energy, success, and satisfaction in spite of the chaos and confusion around them.
…This is in part what we’ll be doing to kick off the January 12th group coaching program for women.
But, we don’t stop there…
Because it’s still not enough to just create goals, we’re taking a holistic mind, body, and soul approach to help you optimize your best self and not only survive in ’22 but thrive!
Discover More:https://tinyurl.com/yka8w99s
Only a few spots left for this (virtual) and intimate group… Is one yours?
What Clients Have to Say...
When I asked a client how they would rate their year overall on a scale of 1-10:
“An 8 or 9 the last 4 months -and a five for the first part of the year. I’m not in survival mode anymore and I don’t need to live there. It’s different. I’ve never felt this way before…”
We started working together 4 months ago and so much specific life and career transformation have occurred in that short amount of time, in spite of having a bad case of COVID among quite a list of other setbacks. They showed up and did the work -taking bold, yet small and consistent action steps. Do you know what a gift it is to witness people take a chance on themselves and then thrive as a result? There’s an acceleration for growth and healing in the air… Is it palpable to you, as well?
Enjoy the unexpected gifts in your day. With love & kindness,
Team Uniquely Savvy XO

The Brand, Style & Confidence Coach for “The WHOLE You” -Mind, Body & Soul
-Kim & The Doctor of Love & Kindness
www.uniquelysavvy.com kim@uniquelysavvy.com 425.503.9885